A Glass of SuSu a Day Keeps The Doc Away

Travel the windy road into the muddled mind of a psychology graduate student in the day, reality show addict in my spare time and an alcohol junkie in the night. :) I am a confused pessismistic soul waiting for enlightenment, an asian feminist at heart and a travel journalist in my dreams.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A dissapointment

Okay, so maybe today I was told indirectly that I wasn't good enough to be part of a research project. Who cares right? I know I'm competent, and intelligent, and strong, and motivated, and all the good stuff. I can take care of myself. I don't need to beg to be involved in the research project. If you don't want me, it's okay, I can fend for myself. Only thing is...

It DOES matter. It's a blow to my self-esteem. It's making me start to doubt my competence. Am I not smart enough? Why? How? What did I do to make you think so? Why am I not good enough for you? Is it because my GRE scores are not above average? Or because I don't speak over others in class? Or because I'm shy or timid when compared to others? Is that why you're judging me as not good enough?

In my whole 22 years, I've never been told, directly or indirectly that I'm not smart enough. I've been told some horrendous stuff, believe me, but never I'm not smart enough. Someone even old me once that I'm wasting my talent on psychology. I could do better in the science and technology field. Never not smart enough. Sighhh....it hurts.

I'm definitely drinking on Friday. Anna and MG....wait for meeeeeeee

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Saturday, February 03, 2007


Things that never fail to amaze me:
1) how certain people can consistently talk only about how other people have mistreated them, how they're immature, childish, mean, evil-hearted, below you and not realize that maybe it is something about themselves that led them to ALWAYS see things this way
2) how some can proudly declare how mean they were in their high school
3) how some can proudly declare that they used to be so arrogant last time and that they've toned it down, and think that that's not really a problem with their attitude
4) how some can be so certain and sure about things that they believe or heard of, and never ever question themselves if there might be different ways of viewing or doings things out there that might be just as effective and right and will not accept others' opinions
5) how some always think they're right, that everything they own is of top quality, the way they do things is the best way, and always always try to teach others to do it like them, but when questioned, deny and say i'm just telling you my opinion

*rolling my eyes*

:))) Okay, been frustrating past 2 days. Picture time though....hehehehe

The idiot that is smiling like a donkey=me :) Seng lee smelled something funny! hahaha

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